Poetry Happening Near You

Postcard poems revealed!

Earlier this year, twenty local poets were commissioned to write poems on the theme Home-made. home-grown -  to link in with Poetry on Loan’s current focus on local issues. 

The quality of the poems submitted was extremely high, and the decisions were difficult, but eventually six of the poems were selected to be used for PoL’s postcards and posters.

Another target for Poetry on Loan is to work with artists in other artforms, so we commissioned Herefordshire photographer Gregory Fisk to take photographs to go with the selected poems, and design the cards and posters.

The designs are now complete and with the printers. We’re delighted with them, and they will be launched at an event in Birmingham Library on October 9th - but here’s a sneak preview:

Cilla’s kitchen, by Roz Goddard

Glut reaction, by Emma Purshouse

Grandma’s jumper, by Spoz (Giovanni Esposito)

Your invitation, by Fergus McGonigal

Gardening for beginners, by Jane Seabourne

Citizens of the world, by Brenda Read-Brown