Poetry Happening Near You

Goodbye, and thanks for all the poems

Time to hand over 

This is the last blog entry I'll put on this website. After 14 years, it's time for me to pass on the wonderful job of Poetry on Loan Co-ordinator to someone else. In fact, it's going to sometwo else - Steve Pottinger and Emma Purshouse, who will be terrific.

It has been hard work sometimes, and worrying sometimes when things go wrong, but mostly running PoL has been an absolute joy. Reading feedback from people who have attended a live event, or who have had a poem written especially for them, or taken part in a workshop, has sometimes brought tears to my eyes because they are so grateful. People who have had no contact with poetry have found what a rich source of pleasure it can be, because of Poetry on Loan. Even some librarians who 'never liked poetry' have learned to love it, and library authorities have been able to broaden their scope, without depleting their limited funds.

And many poets have had useful and rewarding employment, made contacts and gained skills.

It has been a great privilege for me to do this job, but before I get all emotional, a glance at the photo shows you what I'll be doing instead, and that can't be bad.

Thank you to everyone... Steve and Emma - it's all yours!

Brenda Read-Brown