Poetry Happening Near You

Happy New Year

New Year Plans, Events, and Good Wishes.

Well, here we are at the start of 2023!  We're busy at Poetry on Loan HQ, making sure that there will be lots of fantastic events and workshops coming to a library near you very soon.  We've updated the home page with a new poem.  It's a lovely piece from one of our shortlisted poets in last year's Poetry Competition.  We hope you'll enjoy reading it.  And we've also been updating our website pages for events that have happened with some fantastic feedback.  Two big events planned for early this year are Hollie McNish gigs which will be brought to you by Shrophshire Libraries and Staffordshire Libraries.  If you got any Christmas money then you might like to head on over to book yourself tickets for what will both be brilliant nights out.  In the meantime keep your eyes on our upcoming events page for announcements about events for Valentine's Day, Women's Week and Stephen Lawrence Day.

Now back to work.

Best wishes


Emma and Steve

Poetry on Loan Coordinators